LOOK TO THE LAW Clients and friends have asked me many of the same questions over the course of my career. This is one in an ongoing series of “lawyer questions and answers”. Hopefully, this will be useful to you, or at least interesting. A: This is perhaps the hardest aspect of our legal system… [ Read More ]
If you’re given the wrong medication at a pharmacy, that’s a serious problem. Taking the wrong medication could cause all kinds of side effects that you weren’t prepared for. For instance, if you combine two medications that don’t mix well, you could have a coronary event or suffer a stroke. It has to be said… [ Read More ]
Homeowners should be held accountable for dangerous walkways in cases where they’re the liable party. In many cases, walkways leading up to houses and sidewalks in front of properties are the responsibility of homeowners. Of course, every city, town, or village is different and has different laws, but generally speaking, it’s a homeowner who you’ll… [ Read More ]
Every year, toys that are based on movies and cartoons come out for sale in local retail outlets. Children are exposed to the toys at friends’ houses and in the home when parents purchase them to play with. This year, dinosaur claws, which were inspired by the release of the movie “Jurassic World” were released.… [ Read More ]
It can be difficult to want to discuss a person’s death, and when that death is the result of someone else’s negligence, it can make facing that fact even harder. The truth is that while everyone deserves time to heal, wrongful death cases are limited by the statute of limitations. That means that if you… [ Read More ]
The top safety risk in operating rooms around the United States is wrong-site surgeries. These surgeries, which take place on the wrong body parts, should be easy to avoid. How could a surgeon mistake a left arm for right arm or operate on the completely wrong side of the body? A simple scheduling error or… [ Read More ]