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Personal Injury Lawyer in Boonton, NJ

Why Choose Us for Your Boonton Accident Claim?

Why should you retain Hoyt & Hoyt when there are so many attorneys to choose from?

Here’s why.

We are elected by other lawyers  year after year to the top 5% of attorneys in the state; ”SuperLawyers.”  We have 35 years of experience doing nothing but personal injury work. AVVO rating service rates us “9.9 out of 10. Superb attorneys.”  Martindale Hubbell states, “Highest ethical standards.” The New Jersey Supreme Court has awarded Certified Civil Trial Attorney status for many years…only 2% of attorneys have that designation. National Trial Lawyers Association “Top 100 Lawyers.”

You Can Afford the Best Attorney for Your Boonton, NJ Personal Injury Claim

We handle your case on the same percentage as every other attorney (fee is set by court rule.) Look at our qualifications.

When a serious injury occurs, resulting from the negligence of another, it cripples your health and strips you of your income. It can feel particularly troubling to pursue legal action while trying to focus on your recovery at the same time. You deserve a qualified attorney who will protect you. You need a highly skilled team working diligently on your behalf.

At Hoyt & Hoyt, PC of Morristown, we provide top-quality legal counsel to the residents of Boonton and the surrounding areas of North Jersey. We focus specifically on personal injury cases and nothing else. From a slip and fall accident to a catastrophic injury or wrongful death lawsuit, we have the experience it takes in order to build the strongest case on your behalf.

Take the first step and call us for your free consultation about your case. It only takes a phone call to obtain our uniquely qualified attorney from Hoyt & Hoyt, PC to represent you in your personal injury case. Contact our firm today to schedule your free consultation.

Don’t Let the Insurance Companies Take Advantage of You

Insurance companies have representatives trained to pay you as little as possible while making you think you are being treated fairly. That’s their job. They are very good at it.  Our job is to protect you and ensure you actually ARE treated fairly. Injured people who have an attorney recover, on average, five times as much money as people without an attorney. That’s why claims adjusters will try to talk you out of retaining an attorney. The attorneys of Hoyt & Hoyt, PC have devoted a career to helping personal injury victims like you.

At Hoyt & Hoyt, PC, we understand how important the fair recovery of compensation is to you to pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and significant damages. Trust your legal needs to the qualified representatives from our firm. Benefit from thirty-five years of experience in personal injury law, and a dedication to excellence. We make the difference in the outcome of your case.

The Types of Boonton Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Although we handle a wide range of personal injury cases, we focus in the following areas:

We Welcome Challenging Personal Injury Cases in Boonton, New Jersey

Other attorneys hand off their toughest cases to us.

We are highly trained in personal injury law, and we have over 35 years of legal experience that is reflected in our successes for our many satisfied clients. We work closely with a team of doctors, therapists and other experts to accurately prepare your case in order to seek the maximum compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to secure the quality legal representation that you and your family deserve.

We handle all injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means it costs you nothing to put us to work on your case. We get paid only if you recover a verdict or settlement. There is no fee if you don’t win.

About the Boonton, New Jersey Area

The town of Boonton is located in Morris County, New Jersey and is well known for its beautiful open spaces and rural character. Boonton is popular for its vibrant downtown (named one of NJ’s Best Downtowns by New Jersey Monthly Magazine), and its streets lined with beautiful 18th and 19th century homes, views of New York City and an actual waterfall. Once a thriving factory town, Boonton has grown into one of New Jersey’s coolest destinations to visit.

FAQs About Personal Injury Representation

Q. Do you always file suit against the person who caused an injury or is there some other way to handle it?

Super Lawyers


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    60 Washington St, Suite 107
    Morristown NJ 07960

    T. (973) 718-7744

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